Degassing Of Aluminium Degassing Of Aluminium has received wide development and distribution in industry over the past decade, to obtain the lowest stable level of gas content in a metal in modern conditions, In shaped casting, this method is used to degass relatively small volumes of metal...

Zro2 Porous Ceramic Filter Filtration of melts has now become an integral part of the technological process of melting and casting aluminum alloys at all enterprises. Apply mesh, granular and porous ceramic filters. Strainers are made of fiberglass or metal mesh with mesh sizes from 0.5 ×...

Liquid Aluminum Refining System - Purification of aluminum from impurities For purification from non-metallic and gaseous impurities, as well as from compounds of sodium, magnesium and calcium, molten aluminum is purged with chlorine and settled in electric furnaces. In this case, there is a reaction: 2Al + 3Cl2...

Types of filters for various metals 1. Filters for steel If metal is necessary for filtering - this is steel, then filters made on the basis of zirconium oxide are perfect for this purpose. They can be used at a temperature of 1700 degrees Celsius, however, if the...

Alumina Foundry Filter The incorporation of extraneous elements (particles) into the metal can sometimes lead to the unsuitability of the entire batch of products made and this type of metal, which in turn leads to complete rejection. Until recently, such a problem was considered practically unsolvable,...

Zirconia Cff When use Zirconia Cff, inclusions are captured on a filter installed in the metal flow path. They capture oxide films, but not small inclusions. A more efficient filtration is ensured by using ceramic foam filters (PCF), which are a spongy ceramic structure in which...

Alumina Foundry Foam Filters Alumina Foundry Foam Filters with a coating for filtering aluminum, silumins, TsAM and other aluminum alloys from slag impurities, oxides, oxide films and gases at a liquid melt temperature up to 900 ° C .. SHORT DESCRIPTION Alumina Foundry Foam Filters are made from...

10 Ppi Foam Filter Various configurations and forms of filters. They have excellent filtering ability and properties of the constituent materials. The possibility of using material in many cycles of casting, and, therefore, there is a tangible replacement of disposable filters and metal gratings. Zirconia based foam ceramic filters 10...

Porous Alumina Ceramic Filter Used worldwide for filtering molten aluminum. Ceramic Filters clean aluminum used in the manufacture of aircraft alloys, beverage cans, and other critical applications. They are available in sizes of sides from 7 to 26 inches and a degree of porosity from 10 to...

Al2O3 Reticulated Foam Filter Brief Introduction Alumina Ceramic Foam Filter is a kind of effective molten metal filter. Three-dimensional mesh structure and high porosity have many advantages, for example, a large area of ​​slag. Large internal filtration surface. slight flow resistance. good filtering effect, etc. Al2O3 Reticulated Foam Filter This is...