24 10月 Ceramic Filter Hs Code
Ceramic Filter Hs Code
Ceramic Filter Hs Code is 69039000.00
The customs code is the HS code, which is the abbreviation of the code coordination system. It is called the International Convention for Harmonized Commodity Description and Coding System (Harmonized System, abbreviated as HS).
In June 1983, the Customs Cooperation Council (now known as the World Customs Organization) presided over a commodity classification and coding system for customs, statistics, import and export management, and parties involved in international trade.
The HS Code “Coordination” covers the two classification codes of the Customs Cooperation Council Classification of Tariff Commodities (CCCN) and the United Nations International Trade Standard Classification (SITC). It is a systematic and multi-purpose international trade commodity classification system. In addition to its customs duties and trade statistics, it provides a set of international trades that can be used for billing, statistics, computer data transmission, simplification of international trade documents, and the use of the general preferential tax number. Commodity classification system.
Ceramic Filter Hs Code is 69039000.00, and pls contact sales@adtechamm.com if you want to buy ceramic foam filters.
Since January 1, 1992, China’s import and export tax has adopted the World Customs Organization’s Harmonized Commodity Description and Coding System (HS), which is a scientific and systematic international trade commodity classification system with a six-digit code. It applies to many aspects such as taxation, statistics, production, transportation, trade control, inspection, and quarantine. At present, the use of this catalog for more than 98% of global trade has become a standard language for international trade. China’s import and export tax adopts the ten-digit code. The first eight digits are equivalent to the Ceramic Filter Hs Code, and the latter two are the sub-heads of China. It is based on the HS classification principle and method, and the two-digit code is extended according to the actual situation of China’s import and export commodities.
Ceramic Foam Filters Hs Code is 69039000.00
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