Degassing In Aluminium Casting

Degassing In Aluminium Casting

Degassing In Aluminium Casting

Degassing In Aluminium Casting

Degassing In Aluminium Casting is the purpose of spraying Nitrogen into molten aluminum to remove hydrogen.

In addition, degassing is also considered to be a very effective way to float impurities.

Two main theoretical modes have been proposed to explain the principle of aluminium degassing. The macro mode considers that the removal of each impurity is similar. In the microscopic mode, according to this theory, due to the higher vapor pressure of hydrogen, the dissolved hydrogen diffuses into the gas in the injected aluminum liquid.
Theoretically, an inclusion having a diameter of 10 microns contacts a bubble is adsorbed on the bubble, and floats up to the surface of the liquid.

Degassing In Aluminium Casting is to remove hydrogen, non-metallic inclusions, and unwanted trace elements. The refining is normally done after alloy addition. In some cases, the melt is also pre-treated before alloying. Gas injection is the most commonly used refining method.

The Degassing In Aluminium Casting has always been the subject of research on aluminum alloy casting and rolling, and the purity of the nitrogen used for refining in the purification device is a key factor that directly affects the purification effect.

Bubbling a gas (inert to Al, for obvious reasons) is to draw hydrogen out. Dissolved gasses have a certain vapor pressure at the liquid surface, so continually adding dry (i.e., little of what you’re trying to remove) gas will drive the equilibrium to “dry” in the liquid.

The rotary degasser breaks up the Nitrogen large bubble into a wonderful small bubble by rotating the Nitrogen rotor at a high speed and uniformly dispersing it in the molten metal Degassing In Aluminium Casting.

By reducing the diameter of the bubbles, the total surface area of these bubbles increases sharply, which causes more Nitrogen bubble surfaces to come into contact with hydrogen and impurities in the molten metal to bring these harmful substances to the surface of the liquid.

Improve the rotating nozzle in the process of purifying nitrogen cleaning aluminum, and then the volume of nitrogen bubbles is refined.
The contact area of nitrogen and aluminum liquid is increased, thereby improving the effect of degassing and removing slag, achieving the purpose of purifying aluminum liquid, and finally improving the Quality of products Degassing In Aluminium Casting.

Degassing In Aluminium Casting

The online degassing unit adopts advanced high silicon melting technology to get a long service time, degassing rotor, heater protection thimble, and thermocouple protection thimble adopt ceramic manufacturing technology which can meet producing high-precision aluminum requirements.

An online degassing unit shall be installed between the furnace and casting equipment. It is used for hydrogen (H) and slag removal from molten aluminum. The online degassing unit has dual functions: processing and heating. It serves the high-precision molten aluminum purification industry.

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