30 8月 Foam Ceramic Filter Inalum Aluminium
Foam Ceramic Filter Inalum Aluminium can remove non-metallic inclusions in aluminum melt. Inclusions in the melt usually contain metal oxides; refractory fragments and foreign particles.
Inalum Aluminium preheats the Foam Ceramic Filter before use, which is conducive to the perfusion of the filter plate, can remove the moisture in the Foam Ceramic Filter Inalum Aluminium and CFF Casthouse, and can also reduce thermal shock and protect the CFF Casthouse from damage.
You can use an electric heating cover or put a burner in the outlet channel of CFF Casthouse for preheating, and the filter plate can be preheated to slightly higher than 370℃.
Foam Ceramic Filter Pore Size (PPI): 10/20/30/40/50/60
30ppi 40ppi Foundry Filter is the most commonly used ceramic foam filter in the aluminum casting industry.
Ordinary aluminum casting usually uses 10-40ppi ceramic filter plates.
Aviation and high-quality aluminum materials usually use 30-60ppi ceramic filter plates.
Foam Ceramic Filter is basically divided into 6 pore sizes: 10PPI, 15PPI, 20PPI, 25PPI, 30PPI, and 40PPI. The larger the number, the smaller the aperture. But in actual practice, the four types of 10PPI 20PPI 30PP 40PPI can meet the needs of customers.
Aperture selection
1. The casting: 10~25ppi
2. Semi-continuous casting: 30~60ppi
3. High-quality aluminum or sheet: 50~60ppi
4. Continuous casting and rolling: 50~60p
PT Indonesia Asahan Aluminum (Persero) or INALUM held the 21st Annual Technology Innovation Symposium (TIS). On Wednesday (30/6), a total of 4 innovation teams gave speeches and competitions in front of the jury, about 400 The audience included the management and extended family of the Indonesian Mining Holding Company (MIND ID), the parent company of INALUM, high school and vocational high school students around the company, as well as lecturers and students from several well-known universities in North Sumatra.
Taking this opportunity, Orias Petrus Moedak, CEO of MIND ID Group, expressed his hope for the implementation of TIS. “I hope that through this innovation event, we can continue to learn and become better, because innovation also stems from how we learn from past mistakes and improve them to become better in the future,” Orias said.
Sophia I. Wattimena, Managing Director of INALUM, also hopes that the TIS activities implemented since 2005 will continue in the future. “This time TIS 2021 collected 22 innovations, including 12 innovations in operation and 10 innovations in management. I hope that TIS activities can continue to develop and cultivate outstanding innovators. They can compete on a global scale,” Sophia Say.
In addition, on the same occasion, Doni Monardo, President and Commissioner of MIND ID, said that the innovations produced by TIS can work in synergy with all parties. “Hopefully, the innovations born in TIS can synergize with all relevant stakeholder elements, so that the proposed innovations can work well and can contribute to the surrounding communities,” he explained.
In the 21st TIS, 4 best innovative titles passed the selection and were awarded on D-day. TIS CEO Edi Mugiono also reported on the selection made at the 21st TIS on this occasion. “The application of ideas, originality of ideas, writing structure, presentation structure, the impact of innovation and how to implement it has been selected for a long time, and finally four titles of best innovations have been determined through the meeting. You can participate in TIS activities. Show on D day,” Eddie explained.
At the 21st TIS, four judges attended the evaluation of the four competing innovations, namely Sitta Rosdaniah, Coordinator of the Economic Analysis and Industrial Department of the Ministry of State-Owned Enterprises, and Dr. Ir., Dean of the USU School of Engineering. Fahmi, ST, M.Sc, IPM, MIND ID Dany Amrul Ichdan, Director of Institutional Relations, and Sophia I. Wattimena, Managing Director of INALUM. The 21st TIS event was also interspersed with audience-oriented online quizzes and the most popular moderator voting. At the end of the speech, the results of the 21st TIS were announced, Dhiya Irfano Azmi with the innovative title “Installing an external oil cooler and dust collector system in Siguragura Power and Tangga Power to increase the availability of power generation”.
For information, this Technology Innovation Symposium (TIS) is INALUM’s annual agenda since 2005, where INALUM employee innovation is not only displayed internally, but also to the academic community around the company.
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