05 11月 Molten Aluminum Filter Jupiter Aluminium
Molten Aluminum Filter Jupiter Aluminium is mainly used to remove the non-metallic slag that exists in the melting and casting process of molten aluminum.
For example, during the melting process, aluminum is exposed to the atmosphere in the furnace in a molten or semi-molten state. It is easy to oxidize, react with water vapor to absorb hydrogen, and easily form various forms of non-metallic slag.
The second type is coarse intermetallic compound particles and so on.
The most economical and commonly used smelting method in aluminum alloy smelting is gas furnace smelting, which requires fast smelting speed, short time, and less air intake.
The order of feeding not only affects smelting efficiency and alloy consumption, but also directly affects the quality of cast aluminum.
The principle of feeding is: first small, then large, easy to melt first, then refractory, first burn less, then easy to burn, and finally deteriorate.
Using pure aluminum ingots as raw materials, adjust the chemical composition according to actual production needs. The advantage is that it can smelt different brands of aluminum alloy liquid, which can meet the needs of different products, and the product types are diverse.
Before melting the aluminum alloy, mix the ingredients as required. According to alloy grades, the composition must consider the combustion loss of various elements in new materials, recycled materials and master alloys during the melting process.
Molten Aluminum Filter Jupiter Aluminium is basically divided into 6 pore sizes: 10PPI, 15PPI, 20PPI, 25PPI, 30PPI, and 40PPI. The larger the number, the smaller the aperture. But in actual practice, the four types of 10PPI 20PPI 30PP 40PPI can meet the needs of customers.
Spanish Aluminum Information
Two of Spain’s largest popular trade unions, the Podemos Committee of Workers (CCOO) and the Socialist Party (PSOE) of the Workers’ General Union (UGT) have cancelled Alcoa in the San Galician region of northeastern Spain. A four-month strike at the Cibrao aluminum plant.
At the same time, the struggle against wage cuts, unemployment and the ruling class’s “group immunity” policy has set off a climax in the international arena.
Alcoa is the world’s third largest aluminum producer, headquartered in Pittsburgh, the company decided to close its smelter in Spain and lay off 530 workers. At the same time, another 1,500 indirect jobs were also affected.
In May of last year, due to the nationwide lockdown and the rise in deaths caused by the 2020 spring epidemic, Alcoa announced the closure of its San Cibrao plant. The union’s response was their carefully rehearsed tactics, using isolated protests and strikes to drag down the workers.
These unions claimed that a “united front” composed of local and central governments, unions and workers would put “pressure” on Alcoa.
At Alcoa’s San Cibrao factory, CCOO union leader José Antonio Zan called on the PSOE-Podemos government to “be brave” and “take over the factory.” Zan claimed that the government can “intervene in the company and retain some shares.”
The union promoted negotiations between the local government and the national PSOE-Podemos government to provide new subsidies to Alcoa. CCOO and UGT are actually working for the management. They even submitted a draft proposal to subsidize Alcoa, giving it more tax relief.
In October of this year, Alcoa announced large-scale layoffs. Amid the anger of the people, the union called for an indefinite strike and occupation of the factory, which received widespread support from workers. For four months, Alcoa has not only stopped production and hindered the transportation of more than 50,000 metric tons of metal, but workers have also prevented Alcoa from any attempts to dismantle machinery or other manufacturing equipment.
Spanish translation
Dos de los sindicatos populares más grandes de España, el Comité de Trabajadores de Podemos (CCOO) y el Sindicato General de Trabajadores del Partido Socialista (PSOE) (UGT), cancelaron Alcoa en San, Galicia, noreste de España c. Una huel meses en la planta de aluminio de Cibrao.
Al mismo tiempo, la lucha contra los recortes salariales, el desempleo y la política de “inmunidad de grupo” de la clase dominante ha desencadenado un clímax en la arena internacional.
Alcoa es el tercer productor de aluminio del mundo, con sede en Pittsburgh, la empresa decidió cerrar su fundición en España y despedir a 530 trabajadores, al mismo tiempo que se vieron afectados otros 1.500 puestos de trabajo indirectos.
En mayo del año pasado, debido al cierre nacional y al aumento de muertes provocadas por la epidemia de primavera de 2020, Alcoa anunció el cierre de su planta San Cibrao. La respuesta del sindicato al cierre nacional y al aumento de muertes provocadas por la epidemia de primavera de 2020, Alcoa anunció el cierre de su planta San Cibrao. La respuesta del sindicato fue sus tácticas cuidadosamenta arrastrar a los trabajadores.
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