Foam Filter Manufacturers Product, as we all know, is mainly used for the filtration of aluminum and alloys in foundries and foundries. Due to its excellent resistance to corrosion and corrosion by molten aluminum, the filter can effectively remove inclusions, reduce residual gas and provide laminar...

Ceramic Filter For Foundry Product is to filter the aluminum alloy liquid impurities installed in the filter box to meet the production of high value-added, high-tech performance aluminum alloy precision castings such as aviation and transportation. Such as: computer hard disk drives, printed PS substrates,...

Ceramic Filter Suppliers Product plays a very important role in the aluminum liquid purification system, which can effectively remove the large inclusions in the aluminum liquid and effectively reduce the size of the micro inclusions. It can improve the surface quality and product performance of aluminum...

6061 Aluminum Smelting process includes melting, purification, impurity removal, degassing, slag removal and casting processes. The main process of 6061 Aluminum Smelting (1) Ingredients In the batching process, according to the specific alloy grades to be produced, the added amount of various alloy components is accurately calculated, and...

Molten Metal Filtering is a filter medium made of porous ceramic material not readily wetted with the molten metal is arranged, a lag occurs between the time the molten metal reaches the upper side of the filter medium and the time the molten metal begins...