07 12月 Ceramic Filter Aluminum Egypt
Ceramic Filter Aluminum Egypt is used in Egypt aluminum foundry to purify aluminum sheet smelting and casting workshops, remove large impurities in the aluminum liquid, and absorb micron-sized particles of impurities.
In the process of filtering molten aluminum, a “filter cake” is formed on the side of the ceramic filter at the inlet, and deep filtering is performed inside the ceramic filter. Therefore, these foamed ceramic filters are effective tools for achieving the purity of molten metal during the casting process.
Ceramic Filter can also stabilize mold filling, thereby preventing unwanted defects in castings. The type of ceramic foam filter depends in particular on its application requirements.
In the casting process of the Egyptian aluminum plant, the ceramic foam filter is an effective tool to achieve the purity of the molten metal.
Foam ceramic filter can also stabilize the mold filling, thereby preventing defective castings.
Features of ceramic foam filter in aluminum foundry
1. Precision Dimension Tolerance
2. Stable chemical composition
3. Higher filtration efficiency
4. Excellent strength
5. Corrosion resistance of molten aluminum and alloys
Aluminum alloy is easily inhaled and oxidized during the casting process. Therefore, there are different degrees of gas and different non-metallic impurities in the melt, resulting in defects such as pores, pores, and impurities in the alloy. Significantly reduce the mechanical properties, processing properties, fatigue resistance, corrosion resistance and anodic oxidation properties of aluminum, and even lead to product scrapping.
Egypt Aluminum introduced that Ceramic Filter Aluminum Egypt is used in aluminum foundries to filter impurities in molten metal to improve the quality and performance of the final product. Engineers are recommending Ceramic Filter to aluminum foundries in other Arab countries. For details, please contact sales@adtechamm.com
The viscosity of the filtered aluminum alloy liquid is reduced, and the fluidity of the aluminum alloy liquid is increased by 10%-15%. It can improve the surface quality, improve product performance, improve the microstructure effect, and increase the yield. It is widely used in the production of aluminum profile, aluminum foil and aluminum alloy.
Egypt’s decision to abolish import tariffs will cause the price of aluminum products on the market to fall
Egyptian aluminum product manufacturers said that the decision to abolish tariffs on aluminum products is a correct decision in the interests of the industry and will reduce the price of finished products in the market.
Nevin Jameh, the Minister of Trade and Industry of Egypt, issued two ministerial decisions to stop imposing protective tariffs on aluminum imports.
According to a statement issued by the Ministry on Sunday (October 14), Nevin Jameh suspended Resolutions No. 907 of 2019 and No. 168 of 2021, which deal with the protection of imported aluminum, iron, rebar and billet products Sexual measures.
Galal Abdel-Fattah, head of the Egyptian Aluminum Production Company, told Masrawy that the decision to abolish protective tariffs on aluminum imports was a very correct decision.
Jaber Al-Tohamy, owner of New Kitchen Gama, which makes aluminum appliances, agreed with him, saying that the decision was correct, especially after the sharp increase in crude oil prices during the previous period.
الترجمة العربية
قرار مصر بإلغاء الرسوم الجمركية على الواردات سيؤدي إلى انخفاض أسعار منتجات المتجاتوالسعار
قال مصنعو منتجات الألمنيوم المصريون إن قرار إلغاء الرسوم الجمركية على منتجات الألمنيوم قرار صائب لصالح الصناعة وسيخفض سعر المنتجات النهائية في السوق.
أصدرت نيفين جامع وزيرة التجارة والصناعة المصرية ، قرارين وزاريين بوقف فريين الرامع وزيرة التامع وزيرة التجارة والصناعة المصرية ، قرارين وزاريين بوقف فريين بوقف فريين الريم الرين الريام الرين الريم
وبحسب بيان صادر عن الوزارة الأحد (14 أكتوبر), علقت نيفين جامع القرارين رقم 907 لسنة 2019 ورقم 168 لسنة 2021 المتعلقتين بحماية منتجات الألمنيوم والحديد وحديد التسليح والبليت المستوردة.
قال جلال عبد الفتاح رئيس الشركة المصرية لإنتاج الألمنيوم, لمصراوي, إن قرار إلغاء الرسوم الجمركية الوقائية على واردات الألمنيوم كان قرارا صائبا للغاية.
واتفق معه جابر التهامي صاحب شركة New Kitchen Gama التي تصنع أجهزة الألمنيوم, قائلا إن القرار كان صائبا, خاصة بعد الارتفاع الحاد في أسعار النفط الخام خلال الفترة السابقة.
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