08 11月 Foam Casting Aluminum
Foam Casting Aluminum
The usage of Foam Casting Aluminum grew continuously in metal casting process, for the reason that of the value added is greater than the cost of filter application and cost for purchasing filter. Whereas 20 years ago filter were used only in emergency cases but at present filter can be considered an integral part of casting.
This is due to the advantages of the metal filtration which can be divided into three categories such as benefit to the foundry, benefits to the foundry`s customer and benefit to the final cast product.
Since 1976-2007 several efforts had been done to fabricate various ceramic foam filters in foundry industry include U.S.
Low expansion corrosion resistant ceramic foam filters for molten aluminum filtration 2007). Although all of the filters which have been fabricated in these patents have achieved acceptable ideal properties (high thermal shock resistance,adequate strength and low density), but none of them have been able to reach an acceptable price. Therefore the present research has been done to fabricate ceramic foam filter for filtration of aluminum alloy with new cheaper additives materials and improve a ceramic foam filter for using in filtration of molten metal, especially aluminium based alloys.
Purification process is very critical one; therefore every instrument must be in the best of shapes.
Metals and metallic products have a special connotation with human civilization. It is considered to be one of the primitive material that human have mastered to use. However, all metals are not very stable in its rawest form. This form of metals may not have the optimum metallic properties and therefore it requires purification. Purification process of molten metal require ceramic ceramic foam filter, which ensure that all the impurities has been removed from the metallic solution. Once this process is achieve, metal is ready to be used in different types of applications through different processes.
Compressed strength The amount of raw material used during the purification process is very high, as doing this process in small quantities is not a cost effective solution. Therefore, heavy amount of metallic solution is poured over these filters and therefore it must have a high compressed strength to undergo the operation undamaged.
Natural melting points of various metallic elements are very high. The range of melting point of metals may vary but generally is around few hundred to more than thousand degrees Celsius. It is therefore very necessary that Asian Foundry Filters must have certain properties. Here are some useful properties
Porosity It is the percentage of the pore space in the Asian Foundry Filters. This property is very important in operations as a filter with much larger or smaller porosity can hamper the process. Therefore, it is recommended that porosity must be ideal in terms of the types of molten metal used.
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