03 11月 Molten Aluminum Filter Maan Aluminium
Molten Aluminum Filter Maan Aluminium is increasingly used in the aluminum industry to remove oxides on the aluminum surface to improve casting quality. Nowadays, more and more aluminum plate and aluminum foil manufacturers are using these filters.
Adtech is one of the largest OEM suppliers of ceramic foam filter products in India and the global industrial market. The company provides these high-quality filters to customers engaged in the production of aluminum plates and foils.
Molten Aluminum Filter Maan Aluminium is suitable for the production of high-quality and demanding aluminum plates and aluminum foils. Through physical adsorption and chemical action, it can effectively remove various oxidative inclusions produced in the aluminum smelting process, thereby reducing casting defects and improving casting quality.
Adtech, a supplier of aluminum ceramic foam filters for the aluminum industry in India, can effectively remove all the inclusions in the aluminum water with a fineness to the micron level, so that the aluminum water is smooth and laminar, which is conducive to filling.
It has good mechanical strength and chemical stability, and excellent aluminum washability.
Strictly control the pore size and pore size ratio to achieve stable filtration.
There is a sealed thermal expansion ceramic fiber gasket around the filter plate, which helps to seal the filter plate to the filter box to ensure that there is no metal liquid bypass.
Hindalco Industries Limited is the flagship company of the Aditya Birla Group. It was put into operation in 1962. At that time, there was only one aluminum plant in Uttar Pradesh, and its copper department was located in Bharuch, Gujarat. Indian Aluminum Industry Corporation is a comprehensive aluminum company whose main business includes bauxite mines, alumina refineries, steam power plants and smelters, and semi-finished products processing plants to produce value-added products. It is one of the lowest-cost aluminum producers in the world, with a domestic production share of 40%.
On May 13, 2020, India Aluminum Industries Corporation ranked 965th in the 2020 Forbes Global 2000 list.
इन्डोनेशियाई अनुवाद
हिंडाल्को इंडस्ट्रीज लिमिटेड आदित्य बिड़ला समूह की प्रमुख कंपनी है. इसे 1962 में परिचालन में लाया गया था. उस समय, उत्तर प्रदेश में केवल एक एल्यूमीनियम संयंत्र था, और इसका तांबा विभाग भरूच, गुजरात में स्थित था. भारतीय एल्युमीनियम उद्योग निगम एक व्यापक एल्युमीनियम कंपनी है जिसके मुख्य व्यवसाय में मूल्य वर्धित उत्पादों का उत्पादन करने के लिए बॉक्साइट खदानें, एल्यूमिना रिफाइनरी, भाप बिजली संयंत्र, स्मेल्टर और अर्ध-तैयार उत्पाद प्रसंस्करण संयंत्र शामिल हैं. यह दुनिया में सबसे कम लागत वाले एल्युमीनियम उत्पादकों में से एक है, जिसकी घरेलू उत्पादन हिस्सेदारी 40% है।
13 मई, 2020 को, इंडिया एल्युमीनियम इंडस्ट्रीज कॉर्पोरेशन 2020 फोर्ब्स ग्लोबल 2000 की सूची में 965 वें स्थान पर है.
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