15 11月 Molten Aluminum Filter Spain Foundry
Molten Aluminum Filter Spain Foundry uses a three-dimensional network structure and organic foam with connected pores as a carrier to invade the thixotropic alumina material suspension.
The square-corrected center-distance automatic extrusion process is adopted to make the grouting evenly distributed on the carrier foam skeleton, and it is cured at a high temperature of 1180℃.
Installed in the filter box, used to filter impurities in the aluminum alloy liquid, to meet the production of high-tech performance, high value-added aluminum alloy precision castings for aviation and transportation.
Such as computer hard disks, PS board bases for printing, canned food, jet turbine motor fan blade, and other products.
The cast ceramic filter factory recommended by Spain’s National Aluminum has an in-depth understanding of the production process and technology of cast ceramic filters.
Product Advantages of Molten Aluminum Filter
1. Adopt the principle of adsorption to filter, which can effectively remove large inclusions in molten aluminum and effectively adsorb small-sized inclusions.
2. No slag drop, effectively reducing the pollution of molten aluminum.
3. Good thermal shock resistance and improved molten metal corrosion resistance.
4. Automatic production line, three calibration procedures, accurate size, more suitable for the filter box.
5. The role of improving surface quality, improving product performance, and improving microstructure.
Southern Europe Aluminum stated that Ceramic Filter Foundry plays an important role in improving the mechanical properties of castings.
The current filtering device used to purify metal liquid is mainly a ceramic filter, which can effectively intercept harmful impurities in the metal liquid, transform the metal liquid from turbulent flow to laminar flow, and completely remove and remove the larger impurities in the metal liquid. Little him. Inclusions can improve the tissue structure, effectively reduce the gas and harmful elements in the metal liquid, and make the metal liquid purified and homogenized.
The ceramic foam filter has good high-temperature resistance, the molten aluminum will not pollute the alloy, the through-hole rate is good, and it has a good filtering and adsorption effect.
Obtain the capacity of oxide inclusions and flux inclusions in the metal solution.
It has a good filtering and purification effect and has excellent high-temperature resistance, thermal shock stability, and chemical resistance.
The Associated Press reported on October 30 that the United States and the European Union have reached an agreement on steel and aluminum tariffs to resolve the diplomatic differences that occurred during Trump’s administration. According to the announced agreement, certain EU steel and aluminum products will not be subject to tariffs when imported into the United States, but the Section 232 tariffs will not be completely abolished, and the EU will abolish retaliatory additional tariffs on US products.
On June 1, 2018, the United States began to impose tariffs on steel and aluminum products imported from the European Union and other economies; the European Union implemented countermeasures on the 22nd of the same month, imposing additional tariffs on some products imported from the United States, originally planned from 2021 Since June, further countermeasures have been taken.
In May of this year, the European Commission’s Executive Vice-President Donbrowskis stated that in order to restore transatlantic relations, the EU will suspend further increases in retaliatory tariff measures imposed on the United States due to the US’s additional tariffs on steel and aluminum. Eastbrovskys said that the EU’s decision will provide room for negotiations between Europe and the United States to further discuss and resolve this trade dispute.
Traducción Española
The Associated Press informó el 30 de octubre que Estados Unidos y la Unión Europea han llegado a un acuerdo sobre aranceles al acero y al aluminio para resolver las diferencias diplomáticas que se produjeron durante la administración de Trump el acuerdo, acúer product de acúer de segúer. y aluminio de la UE no estarán sujetos a aranceles cuando se importen a los Estados Unidos, pero los aranceles de la Sección 232 no se abolirán por completo, y la UE abolirá los aranceles adicionales de represalia souni losdenses estados product.
El 1 de junio de 2018, Estados Unidos comenzó a imponer aranceles a los productos de acero y aluminio importados de la Unión Europea y otras economías; la Unión Europea implementó contramedidas el 22 del mismo mes, imponiados productendo aranceles Estadosionales a . Estados, originalmente previsto a partir de 2021 Desde junio, se han tomado más contramedidas.
En mayo de este año, el vicepresidente ejecutivo de la Comisión Europea, Donbrowskis, declaró que para restablecer las relaciones transatlánticas, la UE suspenderá nuevos aumentos en las medidas arancelarias de represalia impuestas arancela
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